Keighley Association For Women and Childrens Centre

Logo for Keighley Association For Women and Childrens Centre, English Language course provider


We offer a 12 week ESOL programme, which includes learning the English language, as well as integration into the country. This program is free for all participants Eligibility Criteria: Any newly arrived third-country national who has been admitted to the UK in a category that may lead to settlement The definition of a third-country national is anyone who is a citizen, resident or a native of a country outside of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). We are also delivering the Life in the UK, A2 and B1 courses (subject to eligibility criteria) which are accredited and free. These courses are open to both males and females. Through these courses you will learn: How to pay bills, make appointments etc, meet new people/make friends, and go on integration visits.

Locations for Keighley Association For Women and Childrens Centre


  • Address: Keighley Association For Women and Childrens Centre
    Marlborough Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 3HU
Keighley Association For Women and Childrens Centre

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